Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Observed absurd

I feel print advertising will rule. Why? Simply because in coming days people will have more time to read.

Life is short and travel time is long, what do people do in such free time …20% people take time to chant mantras (repeating gods name), 20% people talk to each other about (god knows what), 20% people just thinking, they are the thinking people (they just might think of lot of thing that we can’t think of), and finally 39% people read, my strong feelings says they read only newspaper. (because this is information age)

1% is the king of all the category of people, they don’t do anything, they just do time pass with 99% who are doing something.

TOI and Hindustan times you will blossom human's lotus.

1 comment:

alokonthemove said...

you definitely are not serious about all that you have said, are you?
I find it too funny and narrow minded, or may be your TG is only limited to cities where people know the difference between print advertising and the idiot box (telelvision).

I am sure you are doing well in advertising and like so many others, I am sure you have great ideas to change the world, but I sincerely give you an advice, somthing that I tried and never had to look back again, leave advertising and start traveling, you will know what you have been missing out on. you are young, talented and outspoken, not everyone can hear you, you know what I mean.

I just got your invitation on linkedin, my account is there only to check how people are building their lives to seek and make friends. Facebook is another junk!

No, I have nothing aginst you, but I see potential in you, like so many others, I feel your telent should be used for better purpose than a desease called 'advertising'. I was infected by that desease but I knew there's a cure for it and that is QUIT!! its like smoking, you can't slow down, you have to just QUIT or it slows you down.

Have you read, Fountainhead? I haven't though I was gifted that book a friend from advertising, but I have done a painting inspired by that book, will post you soon. and tell me if that makes sense to you.

That's all for now.